Bicycle Accident Lawyer in Columbus


a man rides bicycle on the street

Bicycling can be dangerous because cyclists are sharing the roads with cars yet they have much less protection around them. This means that cyclists are vulnerable to serious or catastrophic injuries due to motor vehicle collisions. Moreover, cyclists are smaller than vehicles, and therefore sometimes more easily overlooked by the motorists sharing the roads. Now that motorists are frequently distracted by their cell phones and other electronic devices, bicycle incidents are on the rise.


What are the Typical Types of Bicycle Accidents in Columbus, Ohio?

The most common types of cycling accidents in Columbus are when:

  • A motorist pulls out from a street, driveway, alleyway, or parking lot into the path of a cyclist;
  • A cyclist is struck by a motorist in a sideswipe or rear collision;
  • A motorist makes a left turn, then pulls into the path of an oncoming cyclist;
  • A motorist passes a cyclist, then makes a right turn into the path of an oncoming cyclist;
  • The door of a car parked parallel opens in front of a cyclist, either striking the cyclist or forcing them into vehicle traffic.

Cycling accidents can also happen when road maintenance or repairs are neglected, leaving cyclists subject to parallel cracks, potholes, and large gaps in the pavement. Wet pavement and roadkill debris can also cause loss of control of a bicycle if a cyclist does not see the hazard in time to react.


Why Should You Call GB Law About Your Bicycle Accident Case?

The lawyers at GB Law have successfully represented cyclists for decades throughout Ohio. Many of the cycling injuries have occurred while our clients were riding to or from work or while they were riding recreationally.

We understand the laws protecting cyclists within the city, suburbs, and rural areas. These cases typically involve motorists who fail to follow the rules of the road, and some cases involve dogs and farm animals that enter the roadway, creating hazards for cyclists.

We have represented many cyclists in Ohio who have given us very positive reviews online and some of our clients have given testimonials about GB Law that have been featured on Central Ohio television stations.

If you or a loved one have been injured while cycling in Columbus, Ohio, please call the lawyers at GB Law or contact us via web form. Our phone number is 614.222.4444.


Bicycle Laws in Ohio

Under Ohio law (and most other states), bicycles are considered vehicles. Even though cyclists are not licensed drivers, as bicycle operators they are required to follow basic traffic laws, including stopping at stop signs and traffic signals. These laws apply to children as well as adults. Parents who allow their children to ride bicycles to school must ensure their children understand basic road rules for their route. Bicycles operated at night must have a white light on the front and a red light on the back. Bicycles must be operated “as near to the right side of the roadway as practicable.”

The Ohio BMV published a 15-page PDF Cycling Smarter Guide, which contains excerpts from the Ohio Revised Code pertaining to bicycle law. It also contains real-world advice and illustrations that give readers an understanding of how to safely and legally ride on public roads in Ohio. If you ride regularly or even occasionally in Ohio, this is a valuable resource to review.


How Many Bicycle Accident Deaths Happen Each Year in Ohio?

A bicycle abandoned after an accident

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), an agency of the US government and part of the Department of Transportation, provides data to the public through the Fatality Analysis Reporting System. This is an important tool to see how many accidents occur each year for each state, and how many lives are lost. The following are the number of cyclist fatalities in Ohio, in recent years: 

  • 2017: 19
  • 2018: 22
  • 2019: 25
  • 2020: 16

These statistics do not include the many more serious injuries that occur each year, including broken bones, facial fractures, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and tendon and muscle injuries. In 2017, there were 1,373 collisions involving cyclists, and 1,157 involving a reported injury.


Increasing Safety on the Road and Reducing Cycling Accidents

A parent teaches their kids how to signal while riding bicycles

Most cyclists who ride regularly understand the dangers of cycling, but no one expects that they will be involved in an accident. If you ride a bicycle in Ohio, we recommend you take the following steps to stay safer on the road:


Don’t Ride Without a Helmet

Ohio does not have a state-wide law requiring helmet use; however, some cities, like Columbus and Cincinnati, do have laws requiring helmet use. Helmets reduce the likelihood of serious head trauma and traumatic brain injury by absorbing the shock from a crash and spreading the force of the impact. Wearing a helmet while operating a bicycle is advised by doctors, bicycle advocacy groups, and government agencies.


Wear Bright Clothing, Gear, and Lights to Stay in Drivers’ Sights

Wearing bright clothing or reflective gear will make you more visible to drivers. You should avoid wearing dark clothing while riding a bicycle, especially if you ride early in the morning, or at or after dusk. You can find numerous reflective or illuminated accessories to make your bike more visible at night.


Use Hand Signals

Section 4511.40 of the Ohio Revised Code outlines cycling hand signals to be given with the left hand and arm as follows:

  • Left turn: hand and arm extended horizontally
  • Right turn: hand and arm extended upward
  • Stop or decrease speed: hand and arm extended downward


Don’t Wear Headphones, Earbuds, or AirPods

Listening to music can make for a more enjoyable commute, but it reduces your awareness of your surroundings. If you must listen to music, leave the left earbud out (which faces traffic) so you will be able to hear cars, buses, other riders, or even dogs chasing you.


Who is at Fault in Car vs. Bicycle Accident and Injury Cases? 

Aftermath of a car vs bicycle collision accident in Columbus

Although it is often assumed that a motorist is always at fault in a collision involving a cyclist and a motorist, this is not always the case. If a cyclist is not following traffic laws and is being negligent, they may be responsible for injuries resulting from a collision.

Just like with any other motor vehicle collision, preservation of evidence and a thorough investigation is important. Do not discard the damaged bicycle or even clothing until your attorney has advised you it is no longer needed.


What Do I Do Immediately After I’ve Been in a Bicycle Accident?

Parents help their child's bicycle injury

Following a cycling accident, it is never too early to contact an Ohio bicycle accident attorney. The Ohio personal injury lawyers at GB Law have been representing Ohio residents for more than 35 years and understand how stressful accidents are.

While you focus on your physical, mental, and emotional recovery, we will review the full accident report, conduct an independent investigation, and consult accident reconstruction experts to determine who was responsible.

We will determine what parties may be financially liable for an accident, and your options for pursuing compensation for:

  • Lost earnings
  • Medical care (hospitalization, surgeries, physical therapy, and follow-up care)
  • Pain and suffering

Insurance covering cycling accident injuries may include the other driver’s insurance, your own auto insurance policy, and even homeowner’s insurance or umbrella policies.


Contact GB Law for a Free Case Review

To schedule a review of your potential case with the attorneys at GB Law, call 877-706-6446 or request a consultation on our website. 

We can meet you at our office, or your home or hospital. It is always free to discuss your case with one of our attorneys. Under our contingency fee arrangement, we are only paid for our services if we recover money for you.


Columbus Bicycle Accident FAQs

A bicyclist rides his bike through Columbus


What Does it Cost to Hire a Columbus Bicycle Accident Lawyer?

The lawyers at GB Law work on a contingency fee basis, which means we won’t take a penny unless you accept a settlement or win a verdict.


What if I Sustained Head Injuries Because I Wasn’t Wearing a Helmet?

Failure to use a helmet can be a mitigating factor in your case but does not completely bar your claim. It is best to get information from an attorney early after an injury to learn what your options are. Contact our personal injury law firm for a free case evaluation.


What if I Also Played a Role in Causing My Bike Crash?

It is possible that even if you played a role in causing your bike crash, you may still be entitled to compensation.

That’s why it’s important to contact a Columbus bicycle accident lawyer immediately after a bike crash or accident.