Sacrificing Personal Safety To Capture The Perfect Selfie

It is time to plan our family summer vacations and that means taking lots of selfies. While family vacations and selfies go hand in hand, danger can be just one selfie away. CNN just reported that 49 people have died while taking selfies since 2014. Many of those deaths occurred while the victims were posing for the selfie as they stood dangerously close to the edge of a cliff. Taking one step back to capture the perfect selfie can have tragic consequences.

Many of those deaths occurred while the victims were posing for the selfie as they stood dangerously close to the edge of a cliff. Taking one step back to capture the perfect selfie can have tragic consequences.

The National Parks recently warned visitors not to take selfies with bears or other wild animals. Why you ask? In August of 2015, the Waterton Canyon Park in Denver, Colorado was closed because visitors to the park were taking selfies within ten feet of wild beers.

In 2015, a 43 year old visitor to Yellowstone was gored while taking a selfie with a bison that was standing just six yards away. Two other visitors to the park were injured at Yellowstone last year while posing for selfies with bison. Although adorable, bison and bears are apparently unpredictable and territorial.

Waterton Canyon, a Denver park, was closed on Aug. 28 after more bears and their cubs began foraging the woods. After more than two weeks, the park still hasn’t re-opened, because too many people are trying to take selfies with the wild beasts.

Make safety a priority before you dust off your selfie stick and take off for your summer vacation. No selfie is worth serious bodily injury or death. Common sense and safety should always be a priority even while we experience the great outdoors with our loved ones this summer.

Why Should I Hire a Lawyer?

The main reason you should hire a personal injury attorney after an accident is to make sure that you are on equal footing against the insurance companies and their lawyers. Every insurance company has a team of lawyers who understand the law and understand the ways to reduce compensation or deny compensation altogether. As the severity of the accident increases, it becomes even more important to have proper counsel, so you can limit or prevent any out-of-pocket expenses. With a personal injury attorney, your interests are protected every step of the way. In the beginning, there is only a limited time to sue. An attorney will ensure that you do not miss the deadline to get the compensation you deserve. Additionally, you may not realize all the potential claims you can make to receive the maximum amount in damages. After the lawsuit is filed, an attorney will be able to properly argue your case, which is often legally complex. There are also several procedural complexities that must be dealt with in order to succeed on a case. An attorney protects your interests by ensuring all requirements are met and all arguments are properly given. When it comes to settling your case or taking it to trial, an attorney can help you fully understand your options, so you can make an informed decision on what is best for you. At the end of the day, an attorney makes the whole process easier for you while fighting hard to get you all of the compensation you deserve.

Is the Driver or Insurance Company Sued After a Car Accident?

In many states, the person who causes a car accident must be sued and named as a defendant instead of his or her insurance company. For example, in Ohio the injured party must sue the at-fault driver. Ohio law permits the injured party to sue the company that insured the at-fault driver in very limited circumstances. Most personal injury cases settle before a lawsuit is filed. In fact, most cases in litigation typically settle at some point before trial. You should speak with a lawyer as soon as possible if you have been injured due to a car accident because an attorney can advise you whether you will need a lawyer and the attorney will help you avoid common mistakes that injured people make while dealing with the insurance company. If you have been injured due to a car accident, don’t give up, get help.

How Difficult Is It to Receive Money for Pain and Suffering When the Other Motorist Does Not Have Car Insurance?

In the event that you are injured by an uninsured motorist, and you had Uninsured Motorist Coverage at the time of your car accident, then you are entitled by law to compensation for personal injuries including pain and suffering. Compensation for pain and suffering is based on the nature and extent of the injuries, along with the impact on your hobbies, job and your activities of daily life. Your insurance company may pay you some money for pain and suffering, but it is very difficult to receive what you deserve for your pain and suffering. Why? The claims adjuster is evaluated by his or her supervisor based on how little you are paid. The adjuster receives a positive evaluation if you accept a small sum of money, and the claims adjuster may be criticized if you receive what is fair. It pays to consult with a lawyer because an attorney can advise you soon after the accident whether you will need a lawyer and the attorney will help you avoid common mistakes that injured people make while dealing with the insurance company.

According to the Ohio Department of Insurance, as many as 13.5% of the motorists on the road are not insured. Based on those statistics, you and your family should have uninsured motorist coverage. If you have been injured due to an uninsured motorist, don’t give up, get help.

Can I be compensated if I am hit by an uninsured motorist?

The short answer is yes, however, there is a caveat. While the law requires that all motorists have car insurance (known as liability insurance), this is not always the case. If a driver is uninsured, you can only sue that individual for damages to you and your vehicle. The problem with this is, not many people are independently wealthy. This means you might not recover anything from the at-fault driver. However, there is a way to recover even if the other party is uninsured and has no money.

The best way to insure yourself against an uninsured driver is to purchase uninsured/underinsured coverage. This coverage will allow you to recover from your own insurance company when the at-fault party does not have insurance to cover your property or bodily injury damages. This coverage is usually as much as your limits are on your policy.

According to recent statistics, 13.5% of all Ohio motorists have no liability insurance putting Ohio 17th in the nation when it comes to uninsured motorists. Therefore, it is vital that if you don’t have underinsured coverage or uninsured coverage, you call your insurance agent or insurance company and get that coverage added. You never know when an uninsured driver could hit you. If you have been injured due to a car accident, don’t give up, get help.

Pickaway County Court of Common Pleas $900,000 Settlement

Result: $900,000 settlement

Our client was hit by the trailer portion of a semi-tractor trailer as both vehicles, traveling in opposite directions, went through a curve in the road. Client suffered a traumatic brain injury and couldn’t remember the details of the wreck. Through the use of an engineering expert, we were able to convince defendant trucking company that the wreck was its driver’s fault.