Scott Bowman of GB Law recently appeared on Preferred Capital Funding’s podcast The Result to speak about a case early in his career that was resolved with a $750,000 settlement. The case, which many other lawyers had turned down, arose from a devastating wrongful death case involving a motor vehicle accident on a rural Ohio road. The collision involved a passenger vehicle striking a stopped trash truck which was located in a dangerous position at the crest of a hill.
After reviewing the collision report, Scott Bowman contacted a witness, who was able to shed light on the crash. Prior to the collision, the witness had lost control of her own vehicle after nearly hitting the trash truck. Moments later, another individual clipped the trash truck, before the ultimate fatal collision occurred at a high speed. At the heart of the case, were safety policies and procedures established by the trash company that ultimately caused a life-ending collision. In the podcast, Scott discusses the legal issues and challenges that arose in the case, and the key takeaways that still stand out years later.
Listen to the latest episode of The Result here.