Firefighter PFAS Lawsuit: Uncovering the Hidden Dangers in Firefighter Turnout Gear

Firefighter PFAS Lawsuit: Uncovering the Hidden Dangers in Firefighter Turnout Gear

Firefighter holds gear that exposed him to PFAS

In recent years, firefighters across the United States have increasingly filed lawsuits concerning PFAS exposure. While much of the focus has been on firefighting foam, an alarming source of PFAS exposure is now being uncovered: firefighting gear.

What are PFAS Chemicals?

PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are a group of manmade chemicals used in various industrial applications and consumer products.

Known as “forever chemicals” due to their persistence in the environment and the human body, PFAS chemicals do not break down and can accumulate over time. 

What are the Risks of PFAS Exposure?

Exposure to PFAS has been linked to cancer and various health issues, including:

  • Kidney cancer
  • Testicular cancer
  • Liver damage
  • Immune system effects
  • Thyroid disease
  • Developmental issues in infants and children

For firefighters, the primary source of PFAS exposure was thought to be aqueous film forming foam (AFFF).

However, recent studies and investigations have revealed that firefighting gear itself can also be a significant source of PFAS exposure.

The Hidden Dangers in Firefighter Gear

Turnout gear, protective gear designed to protect firefighters from the intense heat and hazards of their job, often contains PFAS for its water- and stain-resistant properties.

The regular use of this gear, coupled with the high heat and physical exertion firefighters experience, can cause PFAS to break down and be absorbed through the skin or inhaled. This prolonged exposure to toxic PFAS chemicals poses significant health risks to firefighters, increasing cancer risk and even causing cancer.

The Legal Battle: Firefighter PFAS Lawsuits

Firefighters across the country are now taking legal action against manufacturers of firefighting gear containing PFAS. 

These lawsuits argue that the companies (like 3M and DuPont) producing and distributing this gear were aware of the health risks but failed to adequately warn users or provide safer alternatives.

The key points of contention in these lawsuits include:

  • Failure to Warn: Firefighters allege that manufacturers knew about the dangers of PFAS but did not sufficiently warn them about the high levels of PFAS in the gear.
  • Negligence: Claims that companies were negligent in producing and distributing dangerous products.
  • Product Liability: Asserting that PFAS-containing gear is defective and unreasonably dangerous.

Recent Developments in Firefighter Turnout Gear Lawsuits

The legal landscape surrounding PFAS in firefighting gear is evolving rapidly. Here are some key recent developments:

  • Class-Action Lawsuits: Many firefighters have banded together to file class-action lawsuits, seeking compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.
  • State and Federal Legislation: There has been a push for stricter regulations and bans on PFAS in firefighting gear, with several states enacting laws to limit the use of PFAS.
  • Turnout Gear PFAS Settlements and Verdicts: Some cases have already resulted in significant settlements, setting precedents for future PFAS litigation. In June 2023, 3M announced a $10 billion settlement following an AFFF class action lawsuit in South Carolina.

The Path Forward

For firefighters affected by PFAS exposure through their gear, the path forward includes both legal and legislative actions. As awareness grows, it is crucial for firefighters and their advocates to stay informed and involved. Key steps include:

  • Legal Consultation: Affected firefighters should seek legal advice to explore their options for joining existing PFAS turnout gear lawsuits or filing new claims. Click here to start your free consultation.
  • Advocacy and Support: Joining firefighter unions and advocacy groups can provide support and amplify the call for stricter regulations and compensation.
  • Staying Informed: Keeping up with the latest developments in PFAS research and litigation is essential for understanding the risks and rights of those affected.

File a PFAS Firefighter Lawsuit

The firefighter PFAS lawsuit represents a critical battle for health, safety, and justice. As the legal and scientific communities continue to uncover the extent of PFAS-related risks, it is imperative for firefighters and their families to remain vigilant and proactive.

If you or a loved one worked as a firefighter and have been diagnosed with cancer after being exposed to PFAS from AFFF or turnout gear, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit. 

Contact the lawyers at GB Law for a free consultation.