At GB Law, we have seen firsthand how car accidents are life-changing events for so many people. If you’ve been injured in a car crash, you are not alone. Below are the top 12 injuries we see arising from Ohio car accidents:
1. Neck and Back Injuries
The neck and back are complex structures composed of bones, nerves, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage. Neck and back injuries, including spinal fractures, herniated discs, compressed nerves, spondylolisthesis, and other injuries to muscles or tendons, can leave people with long-lasting pain and suffering. Injuries from trauma can range from mild to serious, and the full severity of an injury may not reveal itself until months after an accident.
2. Spinal Cord Injuries
A spinal cord injury resulting in complete bodily paralysis is the worst possible type of back injury. Loss of sensation or function can be temporary or permanent. A quadriplegic injury involves all four limbs and paraplegic injury involves the legs and lower body. Spinal cord injuries make it difficult to perform the activities of daily life including walking, dressing, bathing, driving a car, and going to work or school. The long-term outcome can vary widely depending on the severity of the injury.
3. Brain and Head Injuries

A blow to the head due to a motor vehicle collision can cause a devastating traumatic brain injury. Brain injuries, like concussions, often cause debilitating symptoms for many months after the initial trauma. However, a traumatic brain injury may result in permanent deficits in memory, organization abilities, multitasking skills and word selection. Traumatic brain injuries may also cause increase emotional difficulties for patients who experienced anxiety, stress, and sadness before the motor vehicle collision. A focal injury caused by a direct blow to one area of the skull will result in varying symptoms depending on which part of the head is struck.
4. Broken Bones or Fractures
Broken bones or fractures are extremely painful injuries because the trauma also involves the bone, nerves, and surrounding muscles. The fracture may also result in tearing of ligaments and tendons in the area of the fracture. Patients typically experience immediate pain at the time the fracture occurs. The pain may become chronic pain especially if the fracture is located within a joint such as an ankle or wrist. Chronic pain associated with a fracture is usually caused by arthritis in the joint that occurs secondary to the healing process. The collarbone, also known as the clavicle, is the most commonly broken bone in the body. Broken limbs and broken ribs are also common bone fracture injuries in Ohio car accidents.
5. Facial Injuries
Trauma to the face is a very common injury due to a motor vehicle collision. These injuries may be caused by an exploding airbag, shattered windows and contact with the interior of the passenger compartment. Injuries to the face and head often result in permanent facial disfigurement. The most common facial injuries resulting from a car accident include lacerations and broken bones in the nose, jaw, or cheekbones. The human face includes 14 bones, including the mandible, the largest bone in the human skull, which holds the lower teeth in place.
6. Foot and Ankle Injuries
During a motor vehicle collision, the feet, toes, heels, and ankles may absorb the impact, causing injury to any of the 26 bones in your feet, along with numerous muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints. Injury to any part of the foot can cause long term disability or limited mobility during recovery. It is important to see a healthcare provider who specializes in treating patients with foot injuries as soon as possible following an accident for the best chance of full recovery, and to prevent secondary complications. Foot injury treatment may require surgery, physical therapy, and prolonged rest.
7. Internal Bleeding
Internal bleeding, or hemorrhage, can result from blunt trauma or penetrating trauma, and almost any organ or blood vessel can be damaged. Blood loss inside of the body, for example, bleeding into the spleen, liver and kidneys may not have any visible bleeding outside the body. Injuries are often diagnosed when tests reveal blood in the urine or the injury is confirmed by diagnostic tests like an ultrasound. Even though bleeding is not visible, it is a medical emergency, and may require immediate surgery.
8. Knee Injuries
“Dashboard knee” occurs when a seat-belted driver or passenger’s bent knee is suddenly pushed against the dashboard, often causing the postural cruciate ligament to tear or the patella (kneecap) to fracture or shatter. Dashboard knee injuries will be diagnosed with an X-ray or MRI. Depending on the nature of the injury, surgical or non-surgical treatment options may be available.
Injuries may also result when a person applies the brakes, causing a twisting to the knee which can damage the medial or lateral meniscus or any of the ligaments supporting the structure of the knee. It is always important to notify your medical provider of any symptoms in and around your knee like pain, numbness or weakness.
9. Lacerations and Cuts

Lacerations happen when skin, tissue, or muscle is torn, often in high speed motor vehicle collisions. The driver or passenger may become separated from their seatbelt during violent rollover accidents, or head on collisions and occupants of a vehicle may be ejected from the vehicle. Lacerations can range from minor to major and can be fatal. Permanent scarring is a concern, especially when lacerations occur in the face. Some lacerations are more prone to infection, depending on their location on the body.
10. Burn Injuries
Burn injuries can happen in seconds and can last a lifetime. A car crash can expose you to hot metal, steam, toxic chemicals, and electricity. Burn injuries are painful, and in some cases, cause permanent scarring and disfigurement. Healthcare providers categorize burns based on which lawyers of the skin they affect (first-degree, second-degree, and third-degree).
11. Torn Ligaments
A stretched or torn ligament is commonly referred to as a sprain. Examples of torn ligaments are knee sprains, wrist sprains, elbow sprains, and ankle sprains. It is also possible to sprain the neck or back. Sprains are categorized by medical professionals as mild, moderate, or severe, depending if the ligament is stretched, partially torn, or completely torn.
12. Whiplash Injuries
Rear end collisions are the most common motor vehicle accidents which typically cause strain and sprain type injurie to the muscles and soft tissues supporting the spine. Strain and sprain type injuries are the most injuries resulting from a motor vehicle collision. Side impact and head on collisions also frequently result in whiplash type injuries, where the neck is thrown back and forth or from side to side rapidly, like the cracking of a whip, stretching and tearing muscles and ligaments. Although not life-threatening, a whiplash injury can lead to chronic pain and partial disability. Untreated whiplash can contribute to degenerative disc disease, where vertebrae of the spinal cord deteriorate.
Contact Us for a Free Case Evaluation
If you were injured in an accident in Ohio, you may be entitled to financial compensation for medical expenses, lost earnings, and pain and suffering. Contact us today by calling 614-222-4444 to speak with an attorney about your potential case. If we represent you, you will not pay any attorney fees unless we recover compensation for you.